Recent World Bank statistics show that poverty can be eradicated by 2030. AOF is committed to doing our part to ensure those statistics become a reality.


In the poorest communities, women suffer the most. They bear the burden of the family and yet are the first to be denied the right to education, own landed properties and make decisions in the community.

In AOF, we support women and help them achieve their full potential as they strive to eliminate poverty in their household, and inequality in their communities. Our women empowerment projects have brought about economic development to communities because when a woman earns, their families, communities and the local economy benefits.

Our projects aim to strengthen, motivate and empower women and girls, enabling them to earn income for themselves and families and in retrospect, eliminate early marriage and other forms of gender based violence.


In most of these rural communities, young people who did not have the opportunity of obtaining formal education are often left without a source of income. The few educated ones are still unable to secure jobs as a result of the unemployment crisis in the country.

Frustrated with life and having to depend on their families for sustenance, they resort to a life of crime and touting.

Our goal at AOF is to empower as many young people as possible with skills, which will enable them become self-reliant. This has been shown to reduce incidents of crime and also help in the overall development of the communities.


Skills acquisition is generally the method adopted by the foundation for the empowerment of women and youths.  While the foundation is committed to providing formal education for interested people to the best of our ability, skills acquisition has been shown to be very effective in eradicating poverty and improving the standard of living of these vulnerable people.

With these skills, these women and young people become self-reliant and are able to earn enough money to care for their families.

After successfully completing their training, sums of cash and starter-packs are distributed to enable them kick-start their small businesses.
